Install Multiple Versions of Crossover Linux

Running multiple versions of CrossOver can result in ~/.cxoffice directory conflicts. In some cases, an application will not run in one version of CrossOver but does run in another. If you need to install parallel versions of CrossOver, use the .bin installer and manually set the CX_PRODUCT_ID value for each install. (CX_PRODUCT_ID only accepts alphanumeric characters, special characters are not allowed.)

The steps to install multiple versions of CrossOver (e.g., 22 and 21) are as follows:

Set your environment variable in the terminal.

$ export CX_PRODUCT_ID=cxoffice22

Drag and drop the CrossOver 22 .bin installer into the terminal. This instance installs as cxoffice22, and bottles are written to the ~/.cxoffice21 directory.

Go back into the terminal and set the environment variable for the other version.

$ export CX_PRODUCT_ID=cxoffice21

Drag and drop the CrossOver 21 .bin installer into the terminal. This instance installs as cxoffice21, and bottles are written to the ~/.cxoffice21 directory.

Reset the environment variable in the terminal.

$ export CX_PRODUCT_ID=

Note: When installing multiple versions of CrossOver, do not use the .deb or .rpm packages.

Next Step: Changing Your User Agent on Linux

Last modified on 2023-09-29 12:44:52 UTC by Andrew Balfour

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