Missing or broken libjxrglue.so.0 library

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This library is needed by some Windows applications that manipulate JPEG XR images.


On CrossOver 17 and greater, the simplest solution to fix this issue is to run:

/path/to/cxoffice/bin/cxfix missinglibjxrglue missinglibjxrglue.amd64

Or add --show-all to see how CrossOver would fix it on your platform and others.

Alternatively you may try one of the commands below.

  • For 32-bit Windows applications
    32-bit Arch Linux : pacman -Syu jxrlib
    Debian : apt-get install libjxr0:i386
    32-bit Fedora : dnf install --best jxrlib
    64-bit Fedora : dnf install --best jxrlib.i686 jxrlib.x86_64
    32-bit openSUSE : zypper install libjxrglue0
    64-bit openSUSE Tumbleweed : zypper install libjxrglue0-32bit
    32-bit RHEL (1) : dnf install epel-release ; dnf install --best jxrlib
    64-bit RHEL (1) : dnf install epel-release ; dnf install --best jxrlib.i686 jxrlib.x86_64
    Ubuntu : apt-get install libjxr0:i386
  • For 64-bit Windows applications
    Arch Linux : pacman -Syu jxrlib
    Debian : apt-get install libjxr0:amd64
    Fedora : dnf install --best jxrlib.x86_64
    openSUSE : zypper install libjxrglue0
    RHEL (1) : dnf install epel-release ; dnf install --best jxrlib.x86_64
    Ubuntu : apt-get install libjxr0:amd64


  • cxfix --show-all may have more up-to-date fixes.
  • The commands usually also apply to newer versions of the distributions above as well as derived distributions. So for instance a fix for Debian 7 may still be valid for the latest Debian Testing and is typically also applicable to Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Deepin and Pop! OS. Similarly a fix for Fedora likely also works on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, etc.
  • (1) : On RHEL and its derivatives (AlmaLinux, CentOS, Rocky Linux, etc.), the library is only available from the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository.

Next Step: Missing or broken libkrb5.so.3 library

Last modified on 2023-09-29 11:07:22 UTC by Andrew Balfour

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