OpenGL Check Failed

This issue no longer applies to CrossOver Linux 15.x and later versions.

CrossOver prints this warning message if it detects the GLSL version is below 1.30. With older versions of GLSL (a component of OpenGL), many newer programs will not run such as Office 2013. Should these programs still work, they will take a major performance hit.


This message is a precursor to Office 2013 and DirectX 11 functionality. When Microsoft Office 2013 and various DirectX 11 programs work, this warning message will reflect that there are one of two problems on a system:

 1. The hardware in the system is not capable of running the programs and the only way to gain functionality will be to turn on software rendering (functionality will be greatly reduced).
 2. The hardware does not have the appropriate drivers for running the programs.

The second will be more likely in most cases. Our recommendation is to check drivers and ensure that that all necessary libraries are present.


The cause for the error message will dictate the resolution.

Outdated Hardware

In cases where the system hardware is out of date, a user can tell the application to use software rendering to gain some functionality.

LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --bottle "nameofbottle" path/to/executable.exe

Mileage will vary with this setting and in some cases the program will only be marginally better. As in, it will run but not well. In other cases, the hardware will be incapable of running the programs.

Missing Libraries

If this check is failing, there may be more than one missing library. Please open the System Information report by going to Help->System Information. This report is a direct copy of what CrossOver knows about the system. Attempt to resolve any dependency issues including Missing LibGL 32-bit libraries.

If the issue persists, please save a copy of the System Information Report and attach it to a request for help.

Next Step: Missing floating point texture support

Last modified on 2024-01-15 21:41:40 UTC by Andrew Balfour

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